Time Of Our Lives…

This for anybody going through times
Believe me, been there, done that
But everyday above ground is a great day, remember that

I took a lot of things for granted, I took your fiery kisses to mean nothing after a while. I let your hands roam my body just to light a fire that wasn’t there anymore. I think back at the memories of being with you and its bittersweet. Because I wanted to love you, I wanted to give my whole self to you, but timing was never right and we were always on a different platform.

I didn’t know it at the time, but you had a huge load on your shoulders. I was so focused on my pain, my past, my anger and I never noticed how sad your eyes were. How your smile never reached your eyes. How every time you said “I’m great!” you really weren’t. All this time I thought it was I who was dying inside but I never saw my flames consuming you with me.

I’m sorry for burning you alive, for ripping your hope apart and for letting you believe that love with me would be for an eternity. If i’d known what I was doing to you I would of ran and never let you see me again. I’d bandage your wounds and leave you resting for a full recovery. Indeed you recovered happily.

I can see how she makes you happy. I can see how you stare at her, almost how you used to stare at me. I can see how you naturally gravitate towards each other. She laughs out loud and you stop mesmerized at the sound. I wish you the best. I’ll always care no matter what, I’m glad we still kept in touch, then again who but us knows how to read each other?